Last week I was challenged by the instructor of one of Rigas swordfighting schools to a friendly sparring match. As I love to duel I could not resist but accepted willingly. I had met Nikolai once before at his school and I fought him by the rules they have there and I was delighted to now face him in my home court.

Nikolai showed up for training and was put through our rigourous drilling of the SSG elephant plays, allthough he declined to participate in our warmup and stretching drills. After a long and hard training, we where done and Nikolai demanded a sparring session.

He was not very happy with our rules and though I do not understand Russian I think I caught the gist of his many remarks (sometimes it is a blessing not to know the language). It was soon very clear that this was no friendly sparring match but a testing of prowess and fortitude.  The real test however was to make it through with a smile on your face, It is my sincere prayer that I passed that test.

So by popular demand and without any further ado, I give you the first few minutes of that encounter

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Synd att man inte kan förstå vad ni säger… Men man kan kortfattat säga: du vann?

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